Are we only allowed to walk like the apes we resemble?
& only worship at our father’s temple?
Speak only the tongues of our mothers?
May we ask how long it takes to NOT be the other?
How much blood it takes to make us human?
Or are we free to love who we want?
Eat some else’s croissant?
Be a mistress & confidant?
To the cultures of the world I say,
please may I wear your dress & your hat?
even if I’m a different shape & a little fat?
& may I take something from you?
just a little bit of your how to?
to mix with my voodoo?
here in the pouch of a kangaroo
& make a new pair of blue suede shoes
to wear while singing a new shade of the Blues
Niel Vaughan is a local Poet/Hellion/SpaceAgeBonobo found @