Festival Spotlight: Dee White

Dee White has written 18 fiction and non-fiction books for children and young adults, including the award-winning Letters to Leonardo, Hope for Hanna, A Duel of Words and Harry’s Goldfield Adventure.

Dee’s stories are inspired by real events and situations, and her picture book, Reena’s Rainbow about a deaf girl and a homeless dog, came from her own experiences of isolation due to hearing loss. Reina’s Rainbow is currently being translated into Auslan to make it more accessible to deaf readers.

When her dog, Puff rescued two abandoned kittens, this sparked the idea for Dee’s book, K9 Heroes, a series of stories about dogs who have saved people’s lives.

Dee recently received funding to spend a month in Paris researching her novel, Beyond Belief, inspired by the true story of Muslims at a Paris Mosque who saved Jewish children during WW2. Beyond Belief will be published by Scholastic Australia in 2019.

A qualified writing teacher and mentor who is passionate about encouraging new writers, Dee is thrilled to be part of Words in Winter 2018, where she will be talking with Shokoofeh Azar about turning fact into fiction. Her session is on at 2.15pm on Sunday 19 August. To find out more about this session, or to book tickets, go here 

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    Words in Winter is an annual literary and arts festival held in August each year in the Hepburn Shire and surrounding districts.